At Woezor Home, our mission is to provide adults living with differing abilities extraordinary care and support they need to thrive at home, at work and in their community.
Woezor Home is a Limited Liability Corporation that strives to provide exceptional Individualized Supported Living (ISL) services in the St. Louis metropolitan area. The Director of this company is a Registered Pharmacist with over 20 years of experience who helps support consumers with...
Woezor means “Welcome” in Ghanaian Language. As our name implies, we want residents to feel welcome at home. At Woezor Home LLC, our unwavering mission is to foster an environment where every patient, resident and client is not just a recipient of care , but a bearer of rights, dignity, and autonomy. Grounded in the principles of compassion and respect , we ensure that each individual’s well -being is at the forefront of all that we do and their safety is our number one...
Our Vision
An inclusive community where all people have value and opportunities.
ISL provides 24-hour staff support to people living with disabilities. Staff members assist program participants with all aspects of personal care, cooking, medication, arranging transportation,...
ISD provides up to 20 hours per week of staff support to people with disabilities living in their own homes. Residents learn new skills in these primary areas: medical care, shopping, laundry,...
What is Respite?
Woezor Home Respite services allow adults with differing abilities and their caregivers to take a much-deserved break. Our Respite services are designed to empower our highly...